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闫人华 男,1987年生,副研究员,硕士生导师 电 话:025-86882127 E-mail:rhyan@niglas.ac.cn 传 真:025-57714759 |
研究领域及方向: 流域水文水环境模拟、面源污染调控、生态水文过程机制
以第一/通讯作者在Water Resources Research、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、Journal of Hydrology、Environmental Pollution等领域主流刊物发表SCI论文17篇(含一区7篇)、EI/CSCD/CSSCI 12篇,申请软件著作权多项。围绕平原河网区面源污染综合调控、生态系统服务等研究主题,以第2执笔人身份撰写省部级以上咨询报告2份(获省部级领导重要批示1份),出版专著1部,相关成果也为南京市固城湖退圩还湖生态工程(投资约30亿)初步设计报告提供了关键参数。入选江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程,先后获瑞士政府FCS杰出海外学者奖学金、江苏省水利科技进步奖、研究所先进个人、研究所优秀科技成果奖、中国科学院南京分院 “伍宜孙”奖学金等荣誉奖项。
1. Renhua Yan, Lingling Li, Junfeng Gao*, Jiacong Huang, 2022. Exploring the influence of seasonal cropland abandonment on evapotranspiration and water resources in the humid lowland region, southern China.Water Resources Research, 58: e2021WR031888. 2. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao*, 2021. Evaluating the complementary relationship to calculate evapotranspirationby using multiple models in a humid lowland region, Southeast China.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 310:108645. 3. Renhua Yan, Philip Brunner, Junfeng Gao*, 2021. Simulation of the nitrogen dynamics of lowland polders using a new coupled modelling approach: Insights into management.Journal of Cleaner Production, 313: 127753. 4. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao*, Jiacong Huang, 2016.WALRUS-paddy model for simulating the hydrological processes of lowland polders with paddy fields and pumping stations. Agricultural Water Management,169:148-161. 5. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao*, Jiacong Huang, 2019. Modelling the hydrological processes of a Chinese lowland polder and identifying the key factors using an improved PHPS model.Journal of Hydrology, 578: 124083. 6. Renhua Yan, Lingling Li, Junfeng Gao*,2019. Framework for quantifying rural NPS pollution of a humid lowland catchment in Taihu Basin, Eastern China.Science of the Total Environment,688:983-993. 7. Renhua Yan, Lingling Li, Junfeng Gao*, 2018. Modelling the regulation effects of lowland polder with pumping station on hydrological processes and phosphorus loads.Science of the Total Environment, 637:200-207. 8. Renhua Yan, Jiacong Huang, Lingling Li, Junfeng Gao*, 2017.Hydrology and phosphorus transport simulation in a lowland polder by a coupled modeling system (PHPS).Environmental Pollution,227:613-625. 9. Renhua Yan, Jing Yao, Feng Tian, Junfeng Gao*, 2023. A novel framework for turbidity source apportionment of the urban lakeside river network.Ecological Indicators, 154:110561. 10. Renhua Yan,Yongnian Gao, Lingling Li,Junfeng Gao*, 2019. Estimation of water environmental capacity and pollution load reduction for urban lakeside of Lake Taihu, Eastern China. Ecological Engineering, 13:105587. 11. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao*, 2021. Key factors affecting discharge, soil erosion, nitrogen and phosphorus exports from agricultural polder.Ecological Modelling, 452: 109586. 12. Renhua Yan, Jiangcong Huang, Yan Wang, Junfeng Gao*,Lingyan Qi, 2016.Modeling the combined impact of future climate and land use changes on streamflow of Xinjiang Basin, China.Hydrology Research, 47:356-372. 13. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao*, Lingling Li, Jiacong Huang, 2016.Modeling the hydrological effects of climate and land use/cover changes in Chinese lowland polder using an improved WALRUS model. Hydrology Research, 47(S1): 84-101. 14. Renhua Yan, Jiacong Huang, Junfeng Gao*, 2016. Streamflow response to future climate and land use changes in Xinjiang basin, China. Environmental Earth Sciences,75:1-15. 15. Lingling Li, Renhua Yan*, Heigang Xiong, 2018. Land surface energy in the summer and its relationship with surface temperature in the oasis-desert ecotone.Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16(5):5447-5465. 16. Lingling Li,Renhua Yan*, Bin Xue, 2020. Methane Levels of a River Network in Wuxi City, China and Response to Water Governance.Water, 12:2617. 17. 闫人华,高俊峰,董川永,等.太湖流域圩区陆地生态服务价值评估[J].环境科学研究,2015,28(3):393-400. [EI] 18. 闫人华, 高俊峰等,黄琪,.太湖流域圩区水生态系统服务功能价值[J].生态学报, 2015,35(15):5197-5206. 19. 闫人华,熊黑钢,陈肖飞.天山北麓绿洲-荒漠过渡带芨芨草地地表能量通量研究[J].生态学报,2015,35(5):1350-1358. 20. 闫人华, 熊黑钢, 张芳,等.夏秋季绿洲—荒漠过渡带芨芨草地蒸散及能量平衡特征研究,中国沙漠,2013 ,33(1):133-140. 21. 闫人华, 熊黑钢, 张芳,等.基于空间变差函数的新疆县域产业结构格局演化[J].中国沙漠,2014,34(1):299-305. 22. 闫人华, 熊黑钢,瞿秀华,等.1975a以来新疆县域产业结构的空间分异研究[J].经济地理, 2013,33(3):99-105. 23. 闫人华,熊黑钢,冯振华,等.绿洲—荒漠过渡带芨芨草地SPAC系统蒸散与多环境因子关系分析[J].干旱区地理,2013,36(5):889-896. 24. 闫人华, 熊黑钢, 张芳,等.绿洲—荒漠过渡带陆面温度与地表能量关系分析[J].中山大学学报(自然科学版),2012,51(5):120-126. 25. 闫人华,熊黑钢,李成圆,等.绿洲—荒漠过渡带蒸散与主要环境因子关系分析[J].干旱区资源与环境,2013,27(1):154-160. 26. 闫人华,杨铭, 熊黑钢,等.新疆县域产业结构时空格局演化分析[J].西南大学学报(自然科学版),2015, 37(8):117-124. 27. 高永年,闫人华,王腊春,王智源,2022. 滨湖城市河网区面源污染水质响应与调控[M].北京:科学出版社.