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蔡永久 男,1985年生,副研究员,硕士生导师 电 话:025-86882115 E-mail:caiyj@niglas.ac.cn 传 真:025-57714759 |
研究领域及方向: 流域水生态监测与评估;淡水生物多样性;底栖生态学
蔡永久,男,1985年生,安徽六安人。2006年获安徽大学环境科学专业学士学位,2011年获中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所自然地理学专业博士学位,同年留所工作,历任助理研究员,副研究员。主要从事流域水生态健康评价、多时空尺度淡水生物多样性格局及驱动机制、底栖生态学等方面研究。 主持国家自然科学基金3项、江苏省自然科学基金1项,参与水专项、973计划、科技部基础性工作专项等多项国家级科研项目。主持和参与的项目主要有:国家自然科学基金“鄱阳湖洪泛湿地螺类群落对季节性干旱加剧的响应机制”、“气候变暖与富营养化双重作用下浅水湖泊螺类的响应及其机理”、水专项“流域水生态保护目标制定技术集成”、中科院STS项目“长江经济带岸线资源调查与评估”、中科院先导专项“长江经济带干流典型湖泊水生态修复与综合调控”、江苏省水利厅项目“江苏省湖泊健康评价”等。 围绕流域水生态保护与管理的需求,系统开展了多空间尺度淡水底栖多样性及驱动机制研究,探究了流域底栖生物空间格局及对环境压力的响应关系,发展了流域水生态状态评价指标体系构建与保护目标制定技术方法。目前以第一/通讯作者发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI论文20余篇,包括Limnology and Oceanography, Diversity and Distributions, Science of the Total Environment, Ecological Indicators、湖泊科学等生态环境领域知名期刊,参与制定江苏省地方标准2项《湖泊水生态监测规范(DB 32/T 3202-2017)》、《生态河湖状况评价规范(DB 32/T 3674-2019)》,前四作者出版专著5部。获2021年度长江科学技术奖一等奖(排名第5),入选2020年中科院青年创新促进会会员。 |
[1] Cai YJ, Zhang M, Xu J, Jani H. Geographical gradients in the biodiversity of Chinese freshwater molluscs: Implications for conservation.Diversity and Distributions, 2018, 24(4): 485-496. [2] Cai YJ, Xu J, Zhang M, Wang JJ Jani H. Different roles for geography, energy and environment in determining three facets of freshwater molluscan beta diversity at broad spatial scales.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 659: 451-462. [3] Cai YJ, Zhang Y, Hu ZX, Deng JM, Qin BQ, Yin HB, Wang XL, Gong ZJ, Jani H. Metacommunity ecology meets bioassessment: Assessing spatio-temporal variation in multiple facets of macroinvertebrate diversity in human-influenced large lakes.Ecological Indicators, 2019, 103: 713-721. [4] Cai YJ, Xu H, Annika V, Kimmo T. T., Tang XM, Qin BQ, Gong ZJ, Jani H. Relative roles of spatial processes, natural factors and anthropogenic stressors in structuring a lake macroinvertebrate metacommunity.Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 601: 1702-1711. [5] Cai YJ, Zhang Y, Wu ZS, Chen YW, Xu J, Gong ZJ. Composition, diversity, and environmental correlates of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the five largest freshwater lakes of China.Hydrobiologia, 2017, 788(1): 85-98. [6] CaiYJ, Xue QJ, Xu J, Zhang L, Gong ZJ, AcharyaK. Widespread natural intraspeci?c variation in tissue stoichiometry of two freshwater molluscs: Effect of nutrient enrichment. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 66: 583-591. [7] Peng K, Qin BQ,Cai YJ*, Gong ZJ, Erik J. Water column nutrient concentrations are related to excretion by benthic invertebrates in Lake Taihu, China.Environmental Pollution, 2020, 261: 114161. [8] Zhang Y, Cheng L, Li K, Zhang L,Cai YJ*, Wang XL*, Jani H. Nutrient enrichment homogenizes taxonomic and functional diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in shallow lakes.Limnology and Oceanography, 2019, 64(3): 1047-1058. [9] Zhang QJ, Xu WB, Peng K, Zou LH, Li Y, Chen Y,Cai YJ*, Gong ZJ. The complete mitochondrial genome ofPropsilocerus akamusi (Diptera, Chironomidae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2019, 4(2): 3983-3984. [10] Zhang Y, Cheng L, Kong M, Li W, Gong ZJ, Zhang L, Wang XL,Cai YJ*,Li KY*. Utility of a macroinvertebrate-based multimetric index in subtropical shallow lakes.Ecological Indicators, 2019, 106: 105527. [11] Zou W. Kimmo T. T., Zhu GW, Qin BQ, Zhang YL, Cao ZG, Peng K,Cai YJ*,Gong ZJ*. Catastrophic effects of sand mining on macroinvertebrates in a large shallow lake with implications for management.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 695: 133706. [12] Wang XL, Xu JY, Wu ZS, Shen YC,Cai YJ*. Effect of annual prescribed burning of wetlands on soil organic carbon fractions: A 5-year study in Poyang, China.Ecological Engineering, 2019, 138: 219-226. [13] Zhang Y, Cheng L, Katri E. T., Yin HB, Gao JF, Zhang ZM, Li KY, Cai YJ*. Substrate degradation and nutrient enrichment structuring macroinvertebrate assemblages in agriculturally dominated Lake Chaohu Basins, China.Science of the Total environment, 2018, 627: 57-66. [14] Wang XL, Zhang L, Zhao ZH, Cai YJ*. Heavy metal pollution in reservoirs in the hilly area of southern China: Distribution, source apportionment and health risk assessment.Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 634: 158-169. [15] Wang XL, Zhang L, Zhao ZH,Cai YJ*. Heavy metal contamination in surface sediments of representative reservoirs in the hilly area of southern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(34): 26574-26585. [16] 蔡永久, 龚志军, 秦伯强. 太湖大型底栖动物群落结构及多样性. 生物多样性, 2010, 18(1): 50-59. [17] 蔡永久, 姜加虎, 张路, 陈宇炜, 龚志军. 长江中下游湖群大型底栖动物群落结构及影响因素, 生态学报. 2013, 33(16):4985- 4999. [18] 蔡永久, 薛庆举, 陆永军, 龚志军. 长江中下游浅水湖泊五种常见底栖动物碳、氮、磷化学计量特征. 湖泊科学, 2015.27(1): 76-85. [19] 邹亮华, 邹伟, 张庆吉, 李颖, 龚志军, 张艳杰,鲁顺保*,蔡永久*.鄱阳湖大型底栖动物时空演变特征及驱动因素.中国环境科学. 2021,41(6):2881-892. [20] 李颖, 张祯, 程建华, 邹亮华, 张庆吉, 张敏, 龚志军,谢世友*,蔡永久*. 2012-2018年洪泽湖水质时空变化与原因分析. 湖泊科学, 2021, 33(3): 715-726. [21] 薛庆举, 汤祥明, 龚志军, 高光,蔡永久*. 典型城市湖泊五里湖底栖动物群落演变特征及其生态修复应用建议. 湖泊科学, 2020, 32(3): 762-771. [22] 张又, 程龙, 尹洪斌, 高俊峰, 张志明,蔡永久*. 巢湖流域不同水系大型底栖动物群落结构及影响因素. 湖泊科学, 2017, 29(1): 200-215. [23] 温玉玲,李红波,张小林,王晓龙,黄琪,蔡永久*. 近30年来鄱阳湖环湖区土地利用与景观格局变化研究. 环境科学学报,2022,42(5):1-10. [24] 蔡永久,王晓龙,龚志军,温玉玲. 2022. 鄱阳湖区生态空间格局演变图集.南京,南京大学出版社. [25] 王晓龙,吴召仕,刘霞,蔡永久. 2018.鄱阳湖水环境与水生态.北京,科学出版社 [26] 高俊峰,蔡永久,夏霆,张志明,尹洪斌、黄琪. 2016. 巢湖流域水生态健康研究. 北京,科学出版社