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廖凯华 男,1984年生,副研究员,硕士生导师 电 话:025-86882127 E-mail:khliao@niglas.ac.cn 传 真:025-57714759 |
廖凯华,男,1984年生,江西吉安人。2006年获江西农业大学环境工程专业学士学位,2012年获南京大学水文学及水资源专业博士学位,同年进入中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所博士后工作站,2014年出站留所历任助理研究员,副研究员。主要从事土壤水文过程,氮素生物地球化学循环,水文模型不确定性分析等方面研究。 主持国家自然科学基金2项、中国博士后科学基金2项、中科院青促会基金、江苏省科协青年科技人才项目、江苏省自然科学基金各1项,参与中科院A类先导专项、中科院前沿科学重点研究计划等多项科研项目。以第一作者在Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, European Journal of Soil Science, Journal of Hydrology, Environmental Modelling & Software等国际知名期刊发表学术论文30篇,其中SCI论文21篇,EI论文4篇。自2019年起担任江苏省地质学会水文地质专业委员会委员。 |
1. Kaihua Liao, Xiaoming Lai, Zhiwen Zhou, Ya Liu, Qing Zhu,2020. Uncertainty analysis and ensemble bias-correction method for predicting nitrate leaching in tea garden soils.Agricultural Water Management, 237C, 106182. 2. Kaihua Liao, Xiaoming Lai, Sanyuan Jiang, Qing Zhu,2020. Estimating the wetting branch of soil water retention curve from grain-size fractions.European Journal of Soil Science, 1-6.DOI: 10.1111/ejss.12936. 3. Kaihua Liao, Xiaoming Lai, Zhiwen Zhou, Xiankui Zeng, Wenyi Xie, Michael J. Castellano, Qing Zhu, 2019. Whether the rock fragment content should be considered when investigating nitrogen cycle in stony soils?Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124, 521-536. 4. Kaihua Liao, Xiaoming Lai, Zhiwen Zhou, Qing Zhu, Qing Han, 2018. A simple and improved model for describing soil hydraulic properties from saturation to oven-dryness.Vadose Zone Journal, 17, 180082. 5. Kaihua Liao, Zhiwen Zhou, Xiaoming Lai, Qing Zhu, Huihui Feng, 2017. Evaluation of different approaches for identifying optimal sites to predict mean hillslope soil moisture content.Journal of Hydrology, 547: 10-20. 6. Kaihua Liao, Xiaoming Lai, Zhiwen Zhou, Qing Zhu, 2017. Combining the ensemble mean and bias correction approaches to reduce the uncertainty in hillslope-scale soil moisture simulation.Agricultural Water Management, 191: 29-36. 7. Kaihua Liao, Xiaoming Lai, Zhiwen Zhou, Qing Zhu, 2017. Applying fractal analysis to detect spatio-temporal variability of soil moisture content on two contrasting land use hillslopes.Catena, 157: 163-172. 8. Kaihua Liao, Xiaoming Lai, Yujiao Liu, Qing Zhu, 2016. Uncertainty analysis in near-surface soil moisture estimation on two typical land-use hillslopes.Journal of Soils and Sediments,16: 2059-2071. 9. Kaihua Liao, Shaohui Xu, Qing Zhu, 2015. Development of ensemble pedotransfer functions for cation exchange capacity of soils of Qingdao in China.Soil Use and Management, 31(4): 483-490. 10. Kaihua Liao, Fei Xu, Jinsen Zheng, Qing Zhu, Guishan Yang, 2014. Using different multimodel ensemble approaches to simulate soil moisture in a forest site with six traditional pedotransfer functions.Environmental Modelling & Software,57: 27-32. 11. 廖凯华,吕立刚,2018.东南湿润区坡面土壤水文过程研究进展与展望.地理科学进展,37(4): 476-484. 12. 廖凯华,徐绍辉,吴吉春,朱青. 2013.不同土壤转换函数预测砂土非饱和导水率的对比分析.水科学进展,24(4):560–567. 13. 廖凯华,徐绍辉,吴吉春,施小清. 2012.土壤饱和导水率空间预测的不确定性分析.水科学进展,23(2):200–206. 14. 廖凯华,徐绍辉,程桂福,林青. 2010.产芝水库灌区农田水分转化及节水灌溉模式分析.农业工程学报,26(5):45–51. 15. 廖凯华,徐绍辉,程桂福,林青. 2010.土壤CEC的影响因子及Cokriging空间插值分析——以青岛市大沽河流域为例.土壤学报,47(1):26–32.