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李云良 男,1983年生,研究员,硕士生导师 电 话:025-86882125 E-mail:yunliangli@niglas.ac.cn 传 真:025-57714759 |
2014年以来,以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文26篇 (第一作者23篇),其中,二区以上14篇,相关成果发表在Journal of Hydrology, Hydrological Processes, River Research and Applications和Science of the Total Environment等水文、环境领域主流刊物上。第一作者/通讯作者发表核心期刊论文14篇 (第一作者11篇)。第一作者/第一技术完成人获取计算机软件著作权登记14项,专利2项。
1. Xiuzhong Li, Guangchun Lei*,Yunliang Li*et al., 2021.Assessing hydrodynamic effects of ecological restoration scenarios for a tidal-dominated wetland in Liaodong Bay (China). Science of the Total Environment, 752, 142339. 2. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2020. Water balance and flashiness for a large floodplain system: A case study of Poyang Lake, China. Science of the Total Environment,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135499. 3. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2020. Modelling investigation into the role of floodplain vegetation on hydrodynamic behavior in a flood-pulse-influenced river-lake system (Poyang Lake, China). Journal of Hydrology. 4. Xinggen Liu, Qi Zhang*,Yunliang Li*et al., 2020. Satellite image-based investigation of theseasonal variations in the hydrological connectivity of a large floodplain (Poyang Lake, China). Journal of Hydrology. 5. Yunliang Li*, Qi Zhang, Xinggen Liu, 2019. On the hydrodynamics of the proposed hydraulic project in a large floodplain system (Poyang Lake, China). Journal of Hydrology. 6. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2019. Assessing surface water-groundwater interactions in a complex river-floodplain wetland-isolated lake system. River Research and Applications, 35, 25-36. 7. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2019. Hydrodynamic investigation of surface hydrological connectivity and its effects on the water quality of seasonal lakes: Insights from a complex floodplain setting (Poyang Lake, China). Science of the Total Environment, 660, 245-259. 8. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2019. The role of a seasonal lake groups in the complex Poyang Lake-floodplain system (China): Insights into hydrological behaviors. Journal of Hydrology, 578, 124055. 9. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2019. Integrated model projections of climate change impacts on water level dynamics in the large Poyang Lake (China). Hydrology Research,https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2019.064. 10. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2019. Assessment of water storage response to surface hydrological connectivity in a large floodplain system (Poyang Lake, China) using hydrodynamic and geostatistical analysis. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33, 2071-2088. 11. Lili Wang,Yunliang Li*et al., 2019. Experimental investigation of flow characteristics in porous media at low Reynolds numbers (Re→0) under different constant hydraulic heads. Water, 11, 2317, doi: 10.3390/w11112317. 12. Yunliang Li, Jing Yao et al., 2018. Evidences of hydraulic relationships between groundwater and lake water across the large floodplain wetland of Poyang Lake, China. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 18, 698-712. 13. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2018. 3D hydrodynamic investigation of thermal regime in a large river-lake-floodplain system (Poyang Lake, China). Journal of Hydrology, 567, 86-101. 14. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang, 2018. Historical and predicted variations of baseflow in China’s Poyang Lake catchment. River Research and Applications, 34, 1286-1297. 15. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2017. Investigation of water temperature variations and sensitivities in a large floodplain lake system (Poyang Lake, China) using a hydrodynamic model. Remote Sensing, 9, 1231. 16. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2017. The influence of river-to-lake backflow on the hydrodynamics of a large floodplain lake system (Poyang Lake, China). Hydrological Processes, 2017, 31, 117-132. 17. Yunliang Li, Hui Tao et al., 2016. Application of a distributed catchment model to investigate hydrological impacts of climate change within Poyang Lake catchment (China). Hydrology Research, 47, 120-135. 18. Yunliang Li, Jing Yao et al., 2016. Investigation into mixing in the shallow floodplain Poyang Lake (China) using hydrological, thermal and isotopic evidence. Water Science & Technology, 74, 2582-2598. 19. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2015. Investigating a complex lake-catchment-river system using artificial neural networks: Poyang Lake (China). Hydrology Research, 2015, 46, 912-928. 20. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2015. Investigation of residence and travel times in a large floodplain lake with complex lake-river interactions: Poyang Lake (China). Water, 7, 1991-2012. 21. Yunliang Li, Jing Yao, 2015. Estimation of transport trajectory and residence time in large river-lake systems: Application to Poyang Lake (China) using a combined model approach. Water, 7, 5203-5223. 22. Yunliang Li, Qi Zhang et al., 2014. Hydrodynamic and hydrological modeling of the Poyang Lake catchment system in China. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 19, 607-616. 23. 陈静,李云良*等.鄱阳湖洪泛区碟形湖湿地系统地表-地下水交互作用研究.湖泊科学,2020. 24. 许秀丽,李云良*等.鄱阳湖湿地典型中生植物水分利用来源的同位素示踪研究.湖泊科学,2020. 25. 李云良,姚静等.洪泛湿地系统地表水与地下水转化研究进展综述.水文,2019,39,14-21. 26. 李云良,姚静等.鄱阳湖洪泛区碟形湖域与地下水转化关系分析.水文,2019,39,12-18. 27. 王然丰,李志萍,李云良*等.近60年鄱阳湖水情演变特征.热带地理,2017,37, 512-521. 28. 李云良,赵贵章等.湖岸带地下水与湖水作用关系分析与探讨-以鄱阳湖为例.热带地理,2017,37,522-529. 29. 李云良,姚静等.长江倒灌对鄱阳湖水文水动力影响的数值模拟.湖泊科学,2017,29,1227-1237. 30. 李云良,姚静等.鄱阳湖水体垂向分层状况调查研究.长江流域资源与环境,2017,26,915-924. 31. 李云良,姚静等.鄱阳湖换水周期与示踪剂传输时间特征的数值模拟.湖泊科学,2017,29,32-42. 32. 李云良,许秀丽等.鄱阳湖水流运动与污染物迁移路径的粒子示踪研究.长江流域资源与环境,2016,25,229-237. 33. 李云良,许秀丽等.鄱阳湖典型洲滩湿地土壤质地及其水分特征参数研究.长江流域资源与环境,2015,24,1748-1758. 34. 李云良,张奇等.基于BP神经网络的鄱阳湖水位模拟.长江流域资源与环境,2015,24,233-240. 35. 李云良,张奇等.湖泊流域系统水文水动力联合模拟研究进展综述.长江流域资源与环境,2015,24,263-270. 36. 李云良,张小琳等.鄱阳湖区地下水位动态及其与湖水侧向水力联系分析.长江流域资源与环境,2015,25,1894-1902. 37. 软件著作权: 38. 李云良等.基于DOS界面的BP神经网络自动优化与模拟预测软件V1.0.中国,2019, 2019SR0614551. 39. 李云良等.地表-地下水垂向交换通量的一维热力学计算软件V1.0.中国,2019, 2019SN748832. 40. 李云良等.湖库水体垂向热稳定指数计算与分析软件V1.0.中国,2018, 2018SR1013877. 41. 李云良等.基于动态水位分布的洪泛区地表水文连通性分析软件V1.0.中国,2019, 2019SR0173970. 42. 李云良等.地表-地下水流转化过程的二维数值模拟软件V1.0.中国,2017, 2017SR614745. 43. 李云良等.基于温度时间序列的地表水-地下水转化分析软件V1.0.中国,2017, 2017SR1013877. 44. 李云良等.基于实验室尺度规则几何边界的河流-含水层数值模拟软件V1.0.中国,2016, 2016SR185322. 45. 李云良等.基于时间序列数据的小波分析计算软件V1.0.中国,2016, 2015SR235260. 46. 李云良等.湖泊水体垂向混合一维模拟计算软件V1.0.中国,2015, 2016SR211012. 47. 李云良等.饱和-非饱和二维渗流模拟软件V1.0.中国,2015, 2015SR235260. 48. 李云良等.基于有限差分法的非饱和水-热/汽耦合模拟软件WAHMV1.0.中国,2015, 2015SR192613. 49. 李云良等.基于湖泊水动力模型MIKE 21的数据后处理软件MIKE 21_Link V1.0.中国,2015, 2015SR142588. 50. 李云良,张奇等.半潜式湖域水面蒸发观测系统.中国,2019,专利号201920493508.8.