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李芸 女,1989年生,副研究员,硕士生导师 电 话:025-86882188 E-mail:liyun@niglas.ac.cn 传 真:025-57714759 |
主持国家自然科学基金2项,研究所十四五自主部署青年人才项目1项,先后参与国家自然科学基金项目、中科院先导项目、科技部第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究项目、科技部基础专项任务和研究所十四五自主部署青年科学家小组等多项国家级科研项目。近年来结合青藏高原湖泊和长江中下游湖泊等区域调查和长时间序列定点研究,重点关注气候变化和人类活动干扰下湖泊演变的内在机制,以及对生态系统功能和稳定性的影响。在Limnology and Oceanography,Water Research,Journal of Ecology等期刊发表论文20余篇。担任Frontiers in Environmental Science的审稿编辑,加入《环境科学与技术》的青年编委,担任多个杂志的审稿人。
1 Li, Y., Wang, R., Su, H., et al., 2022, Eutrophication and predation mediate zooplankton diversity and network structure. Limnology and Oceanography, 67:S133-S145 2 Li, Y., Shen, R.J., Liu, X., et al., 2022, Impacts of nutrient reduction on temporal β-diversity of rotifers: A 19-year limnology case study on Lake Wuli, China. Water Research, 216:118364 3 Li, Y., Geng, M.D., Yu, J.L., et al., 2022, Eutrophication decrease compositional dissimilarity in freshwater plankton communities. Science of the Total Environment, 821:153434 4 Liu, X., Li, Y., Shen, R.J., et al., 2022, Reducing nutrient increases diatom biomass in a subtropical eutrophic lake, China–Do the ammonium concentration and nitrate to ammonium ratio play a role? Water Research, 218:118493 5 Liu, X., Li, Y., Shen, R.J., et al., 2022, A trophic cascade triggers blooms of Asterionella formosa in subtropical eutrophic Lake Taihu, China. Freshwater biology, 11(67):1938-1948 6 Wang, Q.H., Li, Y., Liu, L., et al., 2022, Human impact on current environmental state in Chinese lakes. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 126:297-307 7 Cui, S.Z., Li, Y., Liu, L., et al., 2021, Changes in astaxanthin and fatty acids concentration during the developmental process in the calanoid Arctodiaptomus walterianus in an alpine lake at low latitudes. Journal of Plankton Research, 43(2): 314-324 8 Li, Y., Chen, F.Z., 2020, Are zooplankton useful indicators of water quality in subtropical lakes with high human impacts? Ecological Indicators, 113 9 Su, H.J., Wang, R., Feng Y.H., et al., 2020, Long-term empirical evidence, early warning signals and multiple drivers of regime shifts in a lake ecosystem. Journal of Ecology, 109(9): 3182-3194 10 Li, Y., Liu, L., Cui, S.Z., et al., 2019, Long-term effects of nutrient changes on rotifer communities in a subtropical lake. Limnology, 20:191-201