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肖曼 女,1989年生,副研究员,硕士生导师 电 话:025-86882279 E-mail:mxiao@niglas.ac.cn 传 真:025-57714759 |
研究领域及方向: 湖库有害蓝藻生态学,水华机制与数值模拟
肖曼:女,1989年生,江苏泰兴人。2011年、2014年分别获得河海大学环境工程学士、环境科学与工程硕士学位;2018年获得澳大利亚格里菲斯大学博士学位;同年进入格里菲斯大学河流研究所从事研究工作;2022年起任中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所副研究员。 致力于湖沼学、生态动力学和藻类生理学的有机结合,通过集成野外生态学调查、典型有害藻种的控制试验、数值模型构建,揭示不同程度富营养化水体水华形成机理及浮游植物种群演替规律。负责和参与了3项澳大利亚国家基金重点项目,2项格里菲斯大学研究基金;发表第一/通讯作者SCI论文13篇,其中高被引论文1篇;多次受邀主持国际、国内重要学术会议并做主题报告;担任全球湖泊生态观测网(GLEON)的执行委员会委员、行业主流期刊Aquatic Ecology有史以来最年轻的副主编。
1.Xiao M, Burford MA, Wood SA, Aubriot L, Ibelings BW, Prentice MJ, Galvanese EF, Harris TD & Hamilton DP (2022) Schindler's legacy: from eutrophic lakes to the phosphorus utilization strategies of cyanobacteria.FEMS Microbiol Revhttps://doi.org/10.1093/femsre/fuac029. (一区,IF= 15.177) 2.Xiao M, Hamilton DP, O’Brien KR, Adams MP, Willis A & Burford MA (2020) Are laboratory growth rate experiments relevant to explaining bloom-forming cyanobacteria distributions at global scale?Harmful Algae 92: 101732.(一区,IF= 5.905) 3.Xiao M, Hamilton DP, Chuang A & Burford MA (2020) Intra-population strain variation in phosphorus storage strategies of the freshwater cyanobacteriumRaphidiopsis raciborskii.FEMS Microbiol Ecol 96: fiaa092.(二区,IF= 4.519) 4.Xiao M, Li M, Duan P, Qu Z & Wu H (2019) Insights into the relationship between colony formation and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) composition of the cyanobacteriumMicrocystis spp.Harmful Algae 83: 34-41.(一区,IF= 5.905) 5. Li M*,Xiao M*, Zhang P & Hamilton DP (2018) Morphospecies-dependent disaggregation of colonies of the cyanobacteriumMicrocystis under high turbulent mixing.Water Res 141: 340–348.(*共同一作,一区,IF= 13.400) 6. Xiao M, Li M & Reynolds CS (2018) Colony formation in the cyanobacteriumMicrocystis.Biol Rev93: 1399–1420.(一区,IF= 14.350) 7.Xiao M, Adams MP, Willis A, Burford MA & O’Brien KR (2017) Variation within and between cyanobacterial species and strains affects competition: Implications for phytoplankton modelling.Harmful Algae 69: 38–47.(一区,IF= 5.905) 8.Xiao M, Willis A & Burford MA (2017) Differences in cyanobacterial strain responses to light and temperature reflect species plasticity.Harmful Algae 62: 84–93. (一区,IF= 5.905) 9.Xiao M, Willis A, Burford MA & Li M (2017) Review: a meta-analysis comparing cell-division and cell-adhesion inMicrocystis colony formation.Harmful Algae 67: 85–91.(一区,IF= 5.905) 10. Li M, Peng Q &Xiao M+ (2015) Using interval maxima regression (IMR) to determine environmental optima controllingMicrocystis spp. growth in Lake Taihu.Environ Sci Pollut Res 23: 774–784. (+通讯,二区,IF= 5.190)