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周丽君 女,1986年生,副研究员,硕士生导师 电 话:025-86882240 E-mail:ljzhou@niglas.ac.cn 传 真:025-57714759 |
研究领域及方向: 新型污染物污染特征、降解行为及生态效应、抗生素抗性基因传播扩散机制
周丽君,女,1986年生,河南商丘人。2008年获河南大学环境科学专业学士学位,2013年获中国科学院大学广州地球化学研究所环境科学专业博士学位,2013年7月入职中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,历任助理研究员,副研究员。主要从事新型污染物污染特征、环境行为及生态效应、抗生素抗性基因传播扩散机制等方面研究。 主持国家自然科学基金3项、江苏省自然科学基金2项等多项国家级及省部级科研项目。负责和参与的项目主要有:国家自然科学基金“典型抗生素和杀生剂复合污染对湖泊沉积物氮循环主要过程的影响及作用机制”、“基于SIP和单细胞技术的磺胺类抗生素微生物降解机制研究”和 “典型抗生素在湖泊水体中的污染特征及其环境行为研究”;国家科技支撑计划“水产养殖与环境治理技术研究与示范”等。 目前以第一或通讯作者发表学术论文12篇,其中SCI论文11篇,包括Water Research, Environmental Pollution, Science of the Total Environment, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety等生态环境领域知名期刊,参与出版专著1部。 |
[1] Zhou, L.-J., Han, P., Zhao, M., Yu, Y., Sun, D., Hou, L., Liu, M., Zhao, Q., Tang, X., Klümper, U., Gu, J.-D., Men, Y. and Wu, Q.L. 2021. Biotransformation of lincomycin and fluoroquinolone antibiotics by the ammonia oxidizers AOA, AOB and comammox: A comparison of removal, pathways, and mechanisms. Water Research 196, 117003. [2] Zhou, L.-J., Wang, W.-X., Lv, Y.-J., Mao, Z.-G., Chen, C. and Wu, Q.L. 2020. Tissue concentrations, trophic transfer and human risks of antibiotics in freshwater food web in Lake Taihu, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 197, 110626. [3] Zhou, L.-J., Han, P., Yu, Y., Wang, B., Men, Y., Wagner, M. and Wu, Q.L. 2019. Cometabolic biotransformation and microbial-mediated abiotic transformation of sulfonamides by three ammonia oxidizers. Water Research 159, 444-453. [4] Zhou, L.J., Li, J., Zhang, Y.D., Kong, L.Y., Jin, M., Yang, X.D. and Wu, Q.L.L. 2019. Trends in the occurrence and risk assessment of antibiotics in shallow lakes in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River basin, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 183, 109511. [5] Zhou, L.J., Zhang, B.B., Zhao, Y.G. and Wu, Q.L. 2016. Occurrence, spatiotemporal distribution, and ecological risks of steroids in a large shallow Chinese lake, Lake Taihu. Science of the Total Environment 557-558, 68-79. [6] Zhou, L.-J., Wu, Q.L., Zhang, B.-B., Zhao, Y.-G. and Zhao, B.-Y. 2016. Occurrence, spatiotemporal distribution, mass balance and ecological risks of antibiotics in subtropical shallow Lake Taihu, China. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 18(4), 500-513. [7] Zhou, L.-J., Ying, G.-G., Liu, S., Zhang, R.-Q., Lai, H.-J., Chen, Z.-F. and Pan, C.-G. 2013. Excretion masses and environmental occurrence of antibiotics in typical swine and dairy cattle farms in China. Science of the Total Environment 444, 183-195. [8] Zhou, L.-J., Ying, G.-G., Liu, S., Zhao, J.-L., Yang, B., Chen, Z.-F. and Lai, H.-J. 2013. Occurrence and fate of eleven classes of antibiotics in two typical wastewater treatment plants in South China. Science of the Total Environment 452, 365-376. [9] Zhou, L.J., Ying, G.G., Zhang, R.Q., Liu, S., Lai, H.J., Chen, Z.F., Yang, B. and Zhao, J.L. 2013c. Use patterns, excretion masses and contamination profiles of antibiotics in a typical swine farm, south China. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 15(4), 802-813. [10] Zhou, L.-J., Ying, G.-G., Liu, S., Zhao, J.-L., Chen, F., Zhang, R.-Q., Peng, F.-Q. and Zhang, Q.-Q. 2012. Simultaneous determination of human and veterinary antibiotics in various environmental matrices by rapid resolution liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1244, 123-138. [11] Zhou, L.-J., Ying, G.-G., Zhao, J.-L., Yang, J.-F., Wang, L., Yang, B. and Liu, S. 2011. Trends in the occurrence of human and veterinary antibiotics in the sediments of the Yellow River, Hai River and Liao River in northern China. Environmental Pollution 159(7), 1877-1885.