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王晓龙 男,1977年生,研究员,博士生导师 电 话:025-86882115 E-mail:wangxl@niglas.ac.cn 传 真:025-57714759 |
研究领域及方向: 湿地生态水文,洪泛湖泊湿地生态过程与定量模拟,湿地生态系统评估与生态修复
(1)学术论文: 1. Zheng, L., Xu, J., Wang, D., Xu, G., Tan, Z., Xu, L.,Wang, X.*, 2021. Acceleration of vegetation dynamics in hydrologically connected wetlands caused by dam operation. Hydrological Processes 35. 2. Zheng, L.,Wang, X.*, Li, D., Xu, G., Guo, Y., 2021. Spatial heterogeneity of vegetation extent and the response to water level fluctuations and micro-topography in Poyang Lake, China. Ecological Indicators 124. 3. Xu, J,Wang, X.*,Liu J., Xiong L., Xu L., Hu C. 2021.The influence of water regime on cadmium uptake by Artemisia: A dominant vegetation in Poyang Lake wetland. Journal of Environmental Management 297. 4. Xu, J,Wang, X.*,Wang J., Xu L., Zheng X., Zhang Y., Hu C. 2021. Dominant environmental factors influencing soil metal concentrations of Poyang Lake wetland, China: Soil property, topography, plant species and wetland type. Catena 207. 5. Zheng, L., Xu, J., Tan, Z., Xu, G., Xu, L.,Wang, X*., 2020. A thirty-year Landsat study reveals changes to a river-lake junction ecosystem after implementation of the three Gorges dam. Journal of Hydrology 589. 6. Wang, X., Xu, J., Wu, Z., Shen, Y., Cai, Y., 2019. Effect of annual prescribed burning of wetlands on soil organic carbon fractions: A 5-year study in Poyang, China. Ecological Engineering 138, 219–226. 7. Wang, X., Xu, L., Wan, R., Chen, Y., 2016. Seasonal variations of soil microbial biomass within two typical wetland areas along the vegetation gradient of Poyang Lake, China. Catena 137, 483-493. 8. Wang, X., Xu, L., Wan, R., 2016. Comparison on soil organic carbon within two typical wetland areas along the vegetation gradient of Poyang Lake, China. Hydrology Research 47, 261-277. 9. Wang, X., Han, J., Xu, L., Wan, R., Chen, Y., 2014. Soil Characteristics in Relation to Vegetation Communities in the Wetlands of Poyang Lake, China. Wetlands 34, 829-839. 10. Wang, X., Zhang, L., Zhao, Z., Cai, Y., 2018. Heavy metal pollution in reservoirs in the hilly area of southern China: Distribution, source apportionment and health risk assessment. Sci. Total Environ 634, 158-169. (2)学术专著 1.王晓龙、吴召仕、刘霞、蔡永久等著.鄱阳湖水环境与水生态. 北京,科学出版社,2018. 2.王晓龙、徐力刚、徐金英 编著.鄱阳湖洲滩湿地.北京,科学出版社,2021.