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李宽意 男,1971年生,研究员,博士生导师 电 话:025-86882179 E-mail:kyli@niglas.ac.cn 传 真:025-57714759 |
研究领域及方向: 湖泊生物生态学;富营养水体生态系统修复
李宽意,男,1971年生,湖南常德人。1994年毕业于上海海洋大学,同年分配到中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所工作。2000年、2008年分别获得中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所环境科学硕士学位、自然地理学博士学位;2010年起任中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所创新研究员、博士生导师。2010年起任中科院(科技部)太湖站副站长。2014年起任国家自然科学基金委员会会议评审专家,包括“面、地、青”与“国际合作重点”项目,以及“杰青”与“优青”人才类项目;环境生物学委员会副主任委员、淡水养殖学会理事、淡水生态委员会委员、江苏省海洋湖沼学会理事,以及中国博士后科学基金评审专家等。 研究方向主要以水生高等植物为核心,叠加营养盐、底质、气候变暖等因素,研究螺-草-藻、贝-草-藻、鱼-草-藻、鱼-草-贝等生态关系,同时以稳定同位素技术等为手段,研究水生态系统的物质传递与循环,从多角度揭示湖泊生态系统退化的机理,重点研发富营养水体污染控制与生态系统修复技术。先后主持或参与国家自然科学基金8项、973课题2项、863与国家支撑计划课题2项、中科院课题4项,以及水专项课题3项等。目前主持国家自然科学基金重点项目“长江中下游地区富营养浅水湖泊生态系统恢复机理研究”,以及中国科学院重点项目“南方公园水体综合治理技术示范”,专注于富营养化水体的生态修复机理研究与相关技术开发。相关成果已在Water Research、Limnology and Oceanography、Freshwater Biology、Aquaculture等国内外期刊上发表论文60余篇;授权与水生态修复相关发明专利近20项;参与生态治理的课题获国家科技进步二等奖及地方奖计3项。 |
1) Wu ZS, Lai XJ,Li KY(*). 2021. Water quality assessment of rivers in Lake Chaohu Basin (China) using water quality index. Ecological Indicators, 121: 107021. 2) Wu ZS, Ma TT, Lai XJ, Li KY(*). 2021. Concentration, distribution, and assessment of dissolved heavy metals in rivers of Lake Chaohu Basin, China. Journal of environmental management, 300: 113744. 3) Zhang Y, Leung J Y S, Zhang Y, Cai YJ, Zhang ZM, Li KY(*). 2021. Agricultural activities compromise ecosystem health and functioning of rivers: Insights from multivariate and multimetric analyses of macroinvertebrate assemblages. Environmental Pollution, 275: 116655. 4) Han YQ, Li QS, He H, Gu J, Wu ZS, Huang XL, Zou XJ, Zhang Y (*),Li KY(*). 2021. Effect of juvenile omni-benthivorous fish (Carassius carassius) disturbance on the efficiency of lanthanum-modified bentonite (LMB) for eutrophication control: a mesocosm study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 21779-21788. 5) Wu ZS, Kong M, Cai YJ, Wang XL (*),Li KY(*). 2019. Index of biotic integrity based on phytoplankton and water quality index: Do they have a similar pattern on water quality assessment? A study of rivers in Lake Taihu Basin, China., Science of The Total Environment, 658: 395~404. 6) Wu ZS, Liu JT, Huang JC, Cai YJ, Chen YW,Li KY(*). 2019. Do the key factors determining phytoplankton growth change with water level in China’s largest freshwater lake? Ecological Indicators, 107: 105675. 7) Zhang Y, Cheng L, Kong M, Li W, Gong ZJ, Zhang L, Wang XL, Cai YJ(*),Li KY(*). 2019. Utility of a macroinvertebrate-based multimetric index in subtropical shallow lakes. Ecological Indicators, 106: 105527. 8) Tan BC, He H,Gu J,Li KY(*). 2019. Effects of nutrient levels and light intensity on aquatic macrophyte (Myriophyllum aquaticum) grown in floating-bed platform, Ecological Engineering, 128: 27~32. 9) Gu J, He H, Jin H, Yu JL; Jeppesen E, Nairn R W;Li KY(*). 2018. Synergistic negative effects of small-sized benthivorous fish and nitrogen loading on the growth of submerged macrophytes - Relevance for shallow lake restoration, Science of the Total Environment, 610: 1572~1580. 10) Gu J, Jin H, He H, Ning XY, Yu JL, Tan BC, Jeppesen E,Li KY (*). 2016. Effects of small-sized crucian carp (Carassius carassius) on the growth of submerged macrophytes: Implications for shallow lake restoration , Ecological Engineering, 95: 567~573. 11) Li KY, Liu ZW, et al. 2008. Resilience of Clear Water System in East Bay of Lake Taihu: Implication for Periphyton Mediation. Fundamental and Applied Limnology (Archiv Fuer Hydrobiologie), 173 (1): 15-20. 12) Li KY, Liu ZW, Hu YH, Yang HW. 2009. Snail herbivory on submerged macrophytes and the nutrient release:implication for the macrophyte management. Ecological Engineering, 35, 1164-1167. 13) Li KY, Liu ZW, Gu BH. 2009. Density-dependent effects of snail grazing on the growth of a submerged macrophyte, Vallisneria spiralis. Ecological Complexity, 6, 436-440. 14) Li KY, Liu ZW, Guan BH. 2010. Effect of nutrients in the water and sediments on the growth of a floating-leaved macrophyte Trapa maximowiczii. Limnology, 11, 95-101. 15) Li KY, Liu ZW, Gu BH. 2010. The fate of cyanobacterial blooms in vegetated and unvegetated sediments of a shallow eutrophic lake: A stable isotope tracer study. Water Research, 44, 1591-1597. 16) Li KY, Liu ZW, Gu BH. 2010. Experimental evidence of compensatory growth response in submerged macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis to partial leaf removal in two nutrient levels of sediments. Aquatic Ecology, 44, 701-707. 17) Zhang LY,Li KY, Liu ZW, Middleburg JJ. 2010. Sedimented cyanobacterial detritus as a source of nutrient for submerged macrophytes (Vallisneria spiralis and Elodea nuttallii): An isotope labeling experiment using 15N. Limnology and Qceangraphy, 55, 1912-1917. 18) Li KY, Xu ZH, Liu ZW, Gu BH. 2013. Stable isotope enrichment, dietary sources and trophic overlap between silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Aquaculture, 402-403, 8-12. 19) 黄晓龙, 谢洪民, 魏伟伟, 李宽意. 2021. 不同水深对挺水植物形态和生理指标的影响. 环境科学研究,34: 2706-2713. 20) 张又, 蔡永久, 张颖, 高俊峰, 李宽意. 2021. 河流大型底栖动物对环境压力的响应:以太湖、巢湖流域为例. 湖泊科学, 33: 204-217. 21) 古滨河, 刘正文,李宽意, 等译. 湖沼学:内陆水域生态系统. 高等教育出版社出版, 2011.6.