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(3) Gan, G.J., Wu, J.L.*, Hori, M., Fan, X.W. and Liu, Y.W., 2022. Attribution of decadal runoff changes by considering remotely sensed snow/ice melt and actual evapotranspiration in two contrasting watersheds in the Tienshan Mountains. Journal of Hydrology, 610: 127810.
(4) Gan, G.J. and Liu, Y.B.*, 2020. Heat Storage Effect on Evaporation Estimates of China's Largest Freshwater Lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 125(19).
(5) Gan, G.J.*, Liu, Y.B.*, Chen, D.X. and Zheng, C.L., 2021. Investigation of a Nonlinear Complementary Relationship Model for Monthly Evapotranspiration Estimation at Global Flux Sites. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22(10): 2645-2658.
(6) Gan, G.J., Liu, Y.B.*, 2020. Inferring transpiration from evapotranspiration:
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(7) Gan, G.J., Zhao, X.S., Fan, X.W., Xie, H.W., Jin W.R., Zhou, H., Cui, Y.F., Liu, Y.B., 2021. Estimating the Gross Primary Production and Evapotranspiration of Rice Paddy Fields in the Sub-Tropical Region of China Using a Remotely-Sensed Based Water-Carbon Coupled Model. Remote Sensing, 13(17).
(8) Gan, G.J., Liu, Y.B.*, Pan, X., Zhao, X.S., Li, M., Wang, S.G., 2019. Testing
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(9) Gan, G.J., Liu, Y.B.*, Pan, X., Zhao, X.S., Li, M., Wang, S.G., 2020. Seasonal
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(10) Gao, Y.C., Gan, G.J.*, Liu, M.F. and Wang, J.F., 2016. Evaluating soil
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(11) Bu, J.Y., Gan, G.J.*, Chen, J.H, Su, Y.X., Garcia, M., Gao, Y.C.*, 2021. Biophysical constraints on evapotranspiration partitioning for a conductance-based two source energy balance model. Journal of Hydrology, 603.