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2023.06~今:   中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,青年研究员

2020.03~2023.03  北京师范大学珠海校区,特聘副研究员


2016.01~2019.12  蒙大拿大学,有机体生物学与生态学专业,博士

2014.08~2015.12  亚利桑那州立大学,环境生命科学专业,博士在读

2010.09~2013.07  中科学院水生生物研究所,水生生物学专业,硕士

2006.09~2010.07  西安交通大学,环境工程专业,学士





1. Ren Z, Gao HK*. 2024. Antibiotic resistance genes in integrated surface ice, cryoconite, and glacier-fed stream in a mountain glacier in Central Asia. Environment International, 184: 108482.

2. Ren Z, Li HR, Luo W*. 2024. Unraveling the mystery of antibiotic resistance genes in green and red Antarctic snow. Science of the Total Environment, 915: e170148.

3. Ren Z, Zhang C, Li X, Luo W*. 2024. Thermokarst lakes are hotspots of antibiotic resistance genes in permafrost landscape on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Environmental Pollution, 344: e123344.

4. Ren Z*, Ye SD, Li HX, Huang XL, Chen LY. 2023. Differentiation of cognate bacterial communities in thermokarst landscapes: implications for ecological consequences of permafrost degradation. Biogeosciences, 20: 4241-4258.

5. Ren Z*, Ye SD, Li HX, Huang XL, Chen LY, Cao SK, Chen T*. 2023. Biological interactions and environmental influences shift microeukaryotes in permafrost active layer soil across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Microbial Ecology, 86: 2756-2769.

6. Ren Z*, Ma K, Jia X, Wang Q, Zhang C, Li X. 2023. Metagenomics unveils microbial diversity and their biogeochemical roles in water and sediment of thermokarst lakes in the Yellow River Source Area. Microbial Ecology, 85: 904-915.

7. Zhang C#, Ren Z#*. 2023. The role of subsurface ice in sustaining bacteria in continental and maritime glaciers. Science of the Total Environment, 896: e165324.

8. Gao HK, Qu WQ, Ren Z*, Zhang BM, Liu JZ, Duan Z. 2023. Fish communities and diversity in river ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau revealed by environmental DNA (eDNA) method. Ecological Indicators, 156, e111185.

9. Li X#, Cai YZ#, Liu ZZ, Mo XB, Zhang L, Zhang C, Cui BS*, Ren Z*. 2023. Impacts of river discharge, coastal geomorphology, and regional sea level rise on tidal dynamics in Pearl River Estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10: e1065100.

10. Ren Z*. 2022. Biogeochemical consequences of grassland degradation on linked soil, stream, and lake ecosystems in watersheds: A short review. Watershed Ecology and the Environment, 4: 202-210.

11. Ren Z*, Li X*, Zhang C, Wang Q, Fang L, Cao SK, Yu JL. 2022. From permafrost soil to thermokarst lake sediment: A view from C:N:P stoichiometry. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10: e986879.

12. Ren Z, Luo W*. 2022. Metagenomic analysis reveals the diversity and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in thermokarst lakes of the Yellow River Source Area. Environmental Pollution, 313: e120102.

13. Ren Z*, Cao SK*, Chen T, Zhang C, Yu JL. 2022. Bacterial functional redundancy and carbon metabolism potentials in soil, sediment, and water of thermokarst landscapes across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: implications for the fate of permafrost carbon. Science of the Total Environment, 852: e158340.

14. Ren Z*, Gao HK*, Luo W, Elser JJ. 2022. Bacterial communities in surface and basal ice of a glacier terminus in the headwaters of Yangtze River on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Environmental Microbiome, 17: e12.

15. Ren Z, Gao HK*, Luo W, Elser JJ. 2022. C:N:P stoichiometry in six distinct habitats of a glacier terminus in the source area of the Yangtze River. Biogeochemistry, 158: 181-194.

16. Ren Z, Gao HK*. 2022. Abundant and rare soil fungi exhibit distinct succession patterns in the forefield of Dongkemadi glacier on the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 828: e154563.

17. Ren Z*, Jia X, Zhang YT, Ma K, Zhang C, Li X. 2022. Biogeography and environmental drivers of zooplankton communities in permafrost-affected lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Global Ecology and Conservation, 38: e02191.

18. Ren Z*, Luo W*, Zhang C. 2022. Rare bacterial biosphere is more environmental controlled and deterministically governed than abundant one in sediment of thermokarst lakes across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13: e944646.

19. Ren Z#, Zhang C#, Li X*, Ma K, Cui BS*. 2022. Abundant and rare bacterial taxa structuring differently in sediment and water in thermokarst lakes in the Yellow River Source Area, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13: e774514.

20. Ren Z*, Zhang YT, Li X, Zhang C*. 2022. Biogeography of micro-eukaryotic communities in sediment of thermokarst lakes are jointly controlled by spatial, climatic and physicochemical factors across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: e901107.

21. Ren Z*, Ma K, Jia X, Wang Q, Zhang C, Li X. 2022. Community assembly and co-occurrence patterns of microeukaryotes in thermokarst lakes of the Yellow River Source Area. Microorganisms, 10: e481.

22. Wang YX#, Ren Z#, He P#, Xu J, Li DK, Liu CQ, Liu B, Wu NC*. 2022. Microeukaryotic community shifting along a lentic-lotic continuum. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: e887787.

23. Ren Z#, Zhang C#, Li X*, Ma K, Feng KX, Zhang Z, Cui BS*. 2021. Bacterial communities present distinct co-occurrence networks in sediment and water of the thermokarst lakes in the Yellow River Source Area. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: e716732.

24. Ren Z*, Wang ZM, Wang Y, Ma PP, Niu DC, Fu H*, Elser JJ. 2021. Soil bacterial communities vary with grassland degradation in the Qinghai Lake watershed. Plant and Soil, 460: 541-557.

25. Ren Z*, Niu DC, Ma PP, Wang Y, Wang ZM, Fu H, Elser JJ*. 2020. C:N:P stoichiometry and nutrient limitation of stream biofilms impacted by grassland degradation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Biogeochemistry, 150: 31-44.

26. Ren Z*, Niu DC, Ma PP, Wang Y, Wang ZM, Fu H, Elser JJ*. 2020. Bacterial communities in stream biofilms in a degrading grassland watershed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: e1021.

27. Wang Y#, Ren Z#*, Ma PP, Wang ZM, Niu DC*, Fu H, Elser JJ. 2020. Effects of grassland degradation on ecological stoichiometry of soil ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 722: e137910.

28. Liu Y#, Ren Z#, Qu XD*, Zhang M, Yu Y, Peng WQ. 2020. Seasonal water level fluctuation and concomitant change of nutrients shift microeukaryotic communities in a shallow lake. Water, 12(9): e2317.

29. Liu Y, Ren Z*, Qu XD*, Zhang M, Yu Y, Zhang YH, Peng WQ. 2020. Microbial community structure and functional properties in permanently and seasonally flooded areas in Poyang Lake. Scientific Reports, 10: e4819.

30. Ren Z*, Niu DC, Ma PP, Wang Y, Fu H, Elser JJ. 2019. Cascading influences of grassland degradation on nutrient limitation in a high mountain lake and its inflow streams. Ecology, 100(8): e2755.

31. Ren Z*, Qu XD*, Zhang M, Yu Y, Peng WQ. 2019. Distinct bacterial communities in wet and dry seasons during a seasonal water level fluctuation in the largest freshwater lake (Poyang Lake) in China. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10: e1167.

32. Ren Z#, Martyniuk N#, Oleksy IA#, Swain A#, Hotaling S*. 2019. Ecological stoichiometry of the mountain cryosphere. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7: e360.

33. Ren Z, Gao HK*. 2019. Ecological networks reveal contrasting patterns of bacterial and fungal communities in glacier-fed streams in Central Asia. PeerJ, 7: e7715.

34. Ren Z, Qu XD*, Peng WQ, Yu Y, Zhang M. 2019. Functional properties of bacterial communities in water and sediment of the eutrophic river-lake system of Poyang Lake, China. PeerJ, 7: e7318.

35. Ren Z, Qu XD*, Peng WQ, Yu Y, Zhang M. 2019. Nutrients drive the structures of bacterial communities in sediments and surface waters in the river-lake system of Poyang Lake. Water, 11: e930.

36. Qu XD, Zhang M, Yu Y, Xie Y, Ren Z*, Peng WQ*, Du X. 2019. Taxonomic structure and potential nitrogen metabolism of microbial assemblage in a large hypereutrophic steppe lake. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(21): 21151-21160.

37. Liu Y, Qu XD, Elser JJ, Peng WQ, Min Zhang*, Ren Z*, Zhang HP, Zhang YH, Yang H. 2019. Impact of nutrient and stoichiometry gradients on microbial assemblages in Erhai Lake and its input streams. Water, 11: e1711.

38. Ren Z, Wang F*, Qu XD, Elser JJ, Liu Y, Chu LM. 2017. Taxonomic and functional differences between microbial communities in Qinghai Lake and its input streams. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8: e2319. 

39. Ren Z, Gao HK*, Elser JJ, Zhao QD. 2017. Microbial functional genes elucidate environmental drivers of biofilm metabolism in glacier-fed streams. Scientific Reports, 7: e12668.

40. Ren Z, Gao HK*, Elser JJ. 2017. Longitudinal variation of microbial communities in benthic biofilms and association with hydrological and physicochemical conditions in glacier-fed streams. Freshwater Science, 36(3): 479-490.

41. Ren Z, Li FQ, Tang T, Cai QH*. 2014. The influences of small dam on macroinvertebrates diversity and temporal stability in stream ecosystem. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23(7): 1510-1518.

42. Ren Z, Jiang ZY, Cai QH*. 2013. Longitudinal patterns of periphyton biomass in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau streams: an indicator of pasture degradation? Quaternary International, 313: 92-99.

43. 璩伟卿, 张博美, 黄雪, 任泽*, 高红凯*. 2023. 基于16S rRNA测序技术的青藏高原河流细菌群落多样性研究. 环境科学, 44: 262-271.

44. 任泽, 蒋祖耀, 蔡庆华*. 2013. 青藏高原腹地溪流中的氮和有机碳及其相互关系. 应用与环境生物学报, 19(3): 532-536.

45. 任泽, 杨顺益, 汪兴中, 唐涛, 蔡庆华*. 2011. 洱海流域水质时空变化特征. 生态与农村环境学报, 27(4): 14-20.


2023/12-2027/11: 科技部国家重点研发计划项目“典型脆弱生态系统保护与修复”:大尺度生态质量与生态服务评估大数据智能挖掘技术和关键参数网格化平台建设应用示范 (子课题)

2024/01-2026/12: 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目: 黄河源区热融湖演变过程及浮游生物的生态化学计量响应机制.

2024/01-2026/12: 湖泊与流域水安全重点实验室, 优秀青年科学家培育项目: 黄河源热融湖碳积累速率及变化机制.

2023/06-2029/12: 中国科学院人才引进计划青年项目(候选)

2023/01-2023/07: 北京市自然科学基金面上项目: 北京城市河流中微生物的群落构建及其驱动碳氮磷循环的机制研究.

2022/07-2024/06: 湖泊与环境国家重点实验室开放基金: 热融湖浮游生物的氮磷限制及对氮磷循环的影响机理研究. 

2022/01-2023/12: 自然资源部极地科学重点实验室开放研究基金: 南极无冰区典型湖泊初级生产者和消费者在营养物质生物地球化学过程中的作用机制.

2020/03-2023/03: 北京师范大学, 珠海校区青年英才科研启动项目