(1)Chen Lin, A-Xing Zhu, Zhaofei Wang. 2020. The refined spatiotemporal representation of soil organic matter based on remote images fusion of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 89, 102094.(代表作1, TOP 1区期刊, IF=5.933)
(2)Junfeng Xiong, Chen Lin*, Zhigang Cao, Ronghua Ma.2022. Development of remote sensing algorithm for total phosphorus concentration in eutrophic lakes: Conventional or machine learning? Water Research, 2022, 215, 118213.(代表作2, TOP 1区期刊, IF=11.236)
(3)Chen Lin, Ronghua Ma,Junfeng Xiong. 2018. Can the watershed non-point phosphorus pollution be interpreted by critical soil properties - A new insight of different soil P states. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629, 870-881.(代表作3, TOP 1区期刊, IF=7.963)
(4)Chen Lin, Zhipeng Wu, Ronghua Ma. Detection of sensitive water organic indicators related to non-point source organic pollution: a case study of Taihu Lake. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2018. 32 (2), 98-111.(代表作4, SCI II区期刊, IF=5.271)
(5)Chen Lin, Junfeng Xiong,Ronghua Ma,Chenxi Zhu. 2021. Identifying the critical watershed regions creating lake nutrient enrichment (SLRs) based on a watershed-lake integrated perspective – A case study of Chaohu Lake Basin, China. Ecological Indicators, 121, 107307. (代表作5, SCI II区期刊, IF=4.958)