1. Lai, X.M., Zhu, Q*., Zhou, Z.W., Liao, K.H., Lv, L.G. 2020. Optimizing the spatial pattern of land use types in a mountainous area to minimize non-point nitrogen losses. Geoderma. 360, 114016
2. Liao, K.H., Lai, X.M., Zhou, Z.W., Liu, Y., Zhu, Q*. 2020. Uncertainty analysis and ensemble bias-correction method for predicting nitrate leaching in tea garden soils. Agricultural Water Management. 237, 106182.
3. Liao, K.H., Lai, X.M., Zhou, Z.W., Zeng, X.K., Xie, W.Y., Castellano, M.J., Zhu, Q*. 2019. Whether the rock fragment content should be considered when investigating nitrogen cycle in stony soils? Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. 124, 521-536.
4. Zhu, Q*., Castellano, M.J., Yang, G.S. 2018. Coupling soil water processes and the nitrogen cycle across spatial scales: Potentials, bottlenecks and solutions. Earth-Science Reviews. 187, 248-258.
5. Lai, X.M., Zhu, Q*., Zhou, Z.W., Liao, K.H. 2018. Rock fragment and spatial variation of soil hydraulic parameters are necessary on soil water simulation on the stony-soil hillslope. Journal of Hydrology. 565, 354-364
6. Zhu, Q., Zhou, Z.W., Duncan, E.W., Lv, L.G., Liao, K.H., Feng, H.H. 2017. Integrating real-time and manual monitored data to predict hillslope soil moisture dynamics with high spatio-temporal resolution using linear and non-linear models. Journal of Hydrology. 545, 1-11.
7. Lai, X.M., Liao, K.H, Feng, H.H, Zhu, Q*. 2016. Responses of soil water percolation to dynamic interactions among rainfall, antecedent moisture and season in a forest site. Journal of Hydrology. 540, 565-573.
8. Zhu, Q*., Schmidt, J.P., Bryant, R.B. 2012. Hot moments and hot spots of nutrient losses from a mixed land use watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 414-415, 393-404.
9. Zhu, Q*., Lin, H.S. 2011. Influences of soil, terrain, and crop growth on soil moisture variation from transect to farm scales. Geoderma, 163, 45-54.
10. Zhu, Q., Lin, H.S. 2009. Simulation and validation of concentrated subsurface lateral flow paths in an agricultural landscape. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, 1503–1518.