
Management regulations of the Joint Research Station for East African Great Lakes and Urban Ecology (EAGLUE)


In order to ensure the management and operation of the laboratory of the EAGLUE Joint Research Stationestablished by Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGLAS )and Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) normally and safely, the laboratory management regulationshould be specially formulated. All researchers who work in the laboratory room should comply with the 9 regulations as follows:


Article 1 As a field research station of NIGLAS, the EAGLUE Joint Research Stationand its laboratory will be managed and operated in accordance withrules and regulations of NIGLAS field research stations and laboratory management.


Article 2The main purpose of the EAGLUE Joint Research Station and its laboratory is to meet the research needs of lake environment and urban ecology, to coordinate field works, and pretreatment and analysis of the samples.The laboratory will be used by researchers/technicians from NIGLAS and TAFIRI only.


Article 3Appointment system should be used in the laboratory. All personnel using the laboratory for chemical analysis, pretreatment, pre-storage, and data analysis are required to apply in advance and be approved by the manager before entering. All staff must be under the guidance of laboratory managers to read and understand the relevant regulations of the laboratory, and signed.


Article 4All personnel working in the laboratory must register on the registration book. The registration book shall be supervised by the laboratory manager. All personnel must comply with the laboratory management and equipment using requirements. All large equipment must be used after registration.


Article 5 All equipment are the property of the laboratory, and one or two lab administrators will be arranged to be responsible for laboratory equipment, safety and hygiene. All personnel in the laboratory must comply with the arrangement of the managers. No one shall lend the equipment to others for personal use.


Article 6 Laboratory chemical reagents must be managed centrally. Chemical reagents will be purchased based on the project needs and they must be registered and managed by the laboratory manager. Organic reagents, toxic reagents and strong acids must be stored in specified cabinets.


Article 7:All personnel must observe safety procedures and operate the instruments in accordance with the instruction manual. In case of damage due to incorrect usage of the equipment, the person responsible will liable to replace the damaged equipment. After using the laboratory, the utilities must be switched off, the table tops and instruments cleaned up, and the room properly closed.


Article 6 The experimental data should be recorded and archived according to the regulations, and the relevant laboratory personnel shall sign the data sheets.


Article 9 The laboratory shall observe the protection of intellectual property rights. The results of the research, such as monographs, papers, software, and databases, which are conducted in the laboratory, should acknowledge the Joint Research Station.


CopyRight 东非大湖与城市生态研究站 2021